General Information
Are there exceptions for using the service?
What are your obligations for a change of address?
Can I provide a mailing address?
Can I provide an adress outside Québec?
Can I authorize another person to transmit a new address using the service?
Can I use the service for an address change related to a municipal merger?
The Service québécois de changement d’adresse is for the general population. To notify government departments and agencies of a business’s change of address, go to Zone entreprise.
Are there exceptions for using the service?
In some cases, Service québécois de changement d'adresse cannot be used. If any of the following situations apply to you, you cannot use the service to notify the agency in question of your change of address.
Élections Québec
- You are not a Canadian citizen.
- You are under 18 years of age.
In these cases, you are not on the permanent list of electors and cannot notify Élections Québec of a change of address.
Revenu Québec
- You did not file a tax return for one of the past five years.
- You are requesting a change of address related to a deceased person's file.
In these cases, notify Revenu Québec of the change of address by calling 1-800-267-6299.
Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec
You are registered as the co-owner or joint lessee of a vehicle on your record at the Société.
In this case, notify the Société of the change of address by calling 1-800-361-7620.
What are the obligations for a change of address?
When you move, you must send your new address without delay to the following departments and agencies:
- Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (if you are a beneficiary of an income benefit paid by the CNESST)
- Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale (if you are a beneficiary under one of the Ministère's programs or were a beneficiary in the past year)
- Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (if you have a road accident victim compensation claim file at the Société)
Within 30 days of the move, you must send your new address to the following departments and agencies:
- Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (if you are covered under the Health Insurance Plan and, where applicable, the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan)
- Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (if you hold a driver's licence)
Can I provide a mailing address?
The following department or agency will send mail to a mailing address: Retraite Québec
Can I provide an address outside Québec?
The following departments and agencies will send mail to an address outside Québec:
- Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
- Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale – Apprenticeship and occupational qualification
- Retraite Québec
- Revenu Québec
If your previous address is outside Québec, it will be taken into account by the following department and agency:
- Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
- Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale – Apprenticeship and occupational qualification
Can I authorize another person to transmit a new address using the service?
You can authorize a third party transmit to your new address to participating departments and agencies by way of the service.
If you wish to authorize this person to use the online service to notify participating departments and agencies of your change of address, simply provide him or her with your personal information. If you are using the telephone service, you must inform the information officer that an authorized third party will be answering the officer's questions in your presence. If you authorize a third party to notify participating departments and agencies of your change of address in person at a Services Québec office, this person must present a document indicating power of attorney and two pieces of identification, including one piece of photo identification.
Can I use the service for an address change made by the municipality (following a municipal merger, for example)?
If your address change is the result of a change made by the municipality, you do not need to make a change of address with the departments and agencies that participate in the Service québécois de changement d'adresse. A procedure is already in place to notify them of changes made by municipalities so you do not have to take any action, except in the case of Retraite Québec.
You must inform Retraite Québec of your new address. Information on how to inform them of a change of address is found directly on their website, under Change of address
Updated on 2020-02-04